Week of 4/22/24

Monday 4/29/24

Strength 2’

Warm Up - make this feel social

2’ of each

Bike w/ bikes facing each other

Row w/ rowers facing each other

Run w/ Treads facing each other

1 set 4’

Lunge step w/ rotation x 8 per side

8 shoulder tap push ups

8 per side dynamic hamstring

3 Sets Dial this in! (talk about torque and position) 4’

Air squat toes turned out x 5

Air squat toes forward x 5

Push up finger tips out x 3

Push up finger tips forward x 3

Make the session all about this!! 36’

6 minutes build to something heavy for 5-15 reps

Back Squat

Practice and Prep:

Single Arm DB Overhead Push Press x 5-15 per side


W/ a partner

10 Efforts

Every 90” complete both act rest 1’ (active Rest = 10 Cal/8 Cal bike or row)

A-P1 complete - Back Squat x 5-15

B-P2 complete - Push Press DB single Arm x 5-15

Tuesday 4/23/24


Warm Up 4’

W/ a partner Row side by side or run side by side

30” moderate: 30” slow x 4 each

Foam roller x 5 passes over the I.T. Bands =4’

30” per side shin to wall

Digging in just a bit now:

4-5  Rounds 14’

DB Chest Press x 15 + 5 push ups

DB Goblet RFE x 10/s + 10 single leg sprinter jumps

Kicking and foam rolling quads x 5 per side 4’

30” per side hamstring PNF

Make this a big deal!! (teams for Max Calories) 14’

Get in teams of 3

30”: 60” x 12

*additional rest 2’ every 4 efforts….this gives coach enough time to add up scores and make trades

Wednesday 4/24/24


Warm Up 10’

3’ run or row

15” transition

90” - spiderman lunge hip opener

15” transition

90”- Thread needle w/ T-spine rotation

15” transition

90”- KB Adductor stretch in tall kneeling

Not the workout 7’30

Every 30” 5 Rounds Alt (this should be manageable but work)

Double KB Swing x 10

Burpee x 5



Foam Rolling I.T Band 90”

LX ball Glut 90”

Workout A: 15’

EMOM Alt. 15’

Thruster x 10 BB (BB Heavy for 15)

Row x 20/15 

Pull up x 15

Rest 2’

Workout B: 8’

8 Rounds every 30” work: 30” rest

Heavy Farmers Carry out & Back

*heaviest load you have ever done

Thursday  4/25/24

Strength and Mobility

  • You can alternate groups on the floor work here so everyone gets a chance to wrap.

Warm Up

2’ of each

Wall Thoracic Rotations

Lat Stretch w/ Box and PVC

2 Rounds

Single leg anterior reach x 5/s

Toe tap push up x 3/side

Hollow rock x 5 or hold x 20”


3-5 Rounds


BB Landmine snatch x 10/s

BB Landmine Tall Kneeling Obliques x 10/s


Banded 90/90 Hip Openers 2’

Med Ball

Partner toss sit-up slingshot style x 1’ 

Med Ball Plank Roll Out x 1’


90” Run

90” Bike or Row


Posterior Banded Lunge x 10/s

Friday  4/26/24

Fit Classic

*this will look a bit like chaos but they will be social and it will feel a bit light

5 Rounds (rest b/w each set and after each round pass on a foam roller for 30” total)


2 for 1 wall ball x 5 

10” A Bike effort


Front Squat with a somewhat serious load, but not too serious (no racks)

5 x 5

*work with a partner if needed and rest about 30” each time you work


Shin to wall 30” per side

Front rack mobilization w/ band

Load for a squat clean Heavy for 5 in a row unbroken. (start by using the load you have on your bar.  

The workout: Total Time Cap 28’

Go until you miss a set

Every 2 minutes complete the following and rest 2’ 

Squat clean x 5

Bar over burpee x 3 (going up by 1 rep every 2 minutes)

200 meters Running

*once you can no longer complete the work in the 2 minutes you may either;

Rest the next 2 minutes or go onto the next phase right away, but it has to be on the 2-minute mark (so you can’t rest 1’ and then start, everyone stays together for timing)


Every 2’ complete

10 TTB

20 KB swings

10 A Bike Calories

4 burpess (going up by 1 each round)


Every 2’ complete

15/13 Cal row

10 Push Up

5 burees (add 1 each round)

Saturday 4/27/24

Warm Up

3’ run or row

3 Sets 20” : 5-10 Reps

Hollow Hold to hollow rock

High Plank to sprawl

Squat hold to squat jump.

Coaches choice mobility

W/ a Partner

P1: work on the 20 reps

P2: work on the 16 reps

Then Switch (the Box Jumps are done together, ideally sharing a box)


5 Rounds For Time

20 KB Swing

16 Burpee

20/15 Calories Row

16 Pull Up

20 Push Up Hand Release 

16 Box Jump


Week of 5/6/24


Fit Training 4/29-5/5/24